As water resources get increasingly volatile, water and energy infrastructure, as well as food production, will need to adapt to the new normal.
Food requires water. Managing that water and the processes by which it creates calories is integral to adapting to climate change, modern markets, and ever-increasing global population stress.
By 2040, the world will need agricultural areas the size of North America. The world’s food future is likely on the coasts, utilizing the marine resource and saltwater species. Inland low water crate-based systems can provide higher yields per unit of water used.
Combinative systems could produce riverine species and vegetable-based products, and all of it can be powered on-site with the clean energy flowing water provides. Additionally, as Asian cities grow by another 50-75% the need for food transport will increase concurrently. Without Hydro powered EV’s in the agriculture areas that will all require fossil fuels to get food to the burgeoning populations.
Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ can address multiple issues that currently exist with water. From powering low water use agriculture to de-sedimentation and power production, Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ would enable the recovery of 20% sedimented pool capacity that is sorely needed as water resource volatility continues to rapidly increase.
Civilization and thereby cities, grids, and roads all developed in proximity to rivers. The market has clearly shown that location and stability are its drivers. Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ’s dam and hydro-kinetic systems are the only stable clean technology that can be highly collocated with suburban and ex-urban populations, agricultural areas, and roads for 100% grid and natural gas free clean EV charging.