20 years of effort have proven that clean energy market penetration is about the margins a clean energy system can produce. GenH is uniquely positioned to deliver economic advantage.
Modern penetration strategy is about segmenting for competitive advantage which is difficult when using mean metrics. GenH’s integrated strategy and design bundles in high-yield early opportunities from on-site data mining, to agriculture, to aquaculture. Segmentation should be based on maximum achievable early margins.
Energy technologies focus nearly exclusively on efficiency improvement which is one of the cost amortization levers. It is not the largest nor the most effective lever. It is the most easily understood in the engineering framework and is why the entire R&D path of energy technologies chases ever-shrinking efficiency improvement by a few percent while ignoring the real levers of productivity and stability.
Margins are wholly dependent on cost to achieve pricing. Due to completely stable output, luxury products with high margins can be planned into the stable supply without question of whether the resource will be available. This is not just limited to electricity. Water pressure, cooling, and low-water use container irrigation are all applicable to on-site generated products.
Economic positioning is a function of achieved price to cost. In grid markets there is no added value or advantage that can be exploited. Instead they are highly volatile and perverted by misguided subsidization, forcing major grids into negative pricing on a daily basis. GenH technologies side-step the need to tie into a centralized system because they eliminate variability. Thereby demand can be planned in the capacity.
By moving down the market value chain, GenH can realize higher pricing for lower cost achieving significant competitive advantage and thereby ROI. Cost of achieved price is productivity and is the determinant of share growth and profit margin, the relevant market metrics. It also removes the need for subsidies or policies to achieve an advantage in the market, avoiding the “if they would only pass…” trap.
Energy technologies focus nearly exclusively on efficiency improvement which is one of the cost amortization levers. It is not the largest nor the most effective lever. It is the most easily understood in the engineering framework and is why the entire R&D path of energy technologies chases ever-shrinking efficiency improvement by a few percent while ignoring the real levers of productivity and stability.