Adaptiveᵀᴹ Hydro is
Resource Intensity
Volatility is not just a geospatial problem for clean energy. Temporal volatility has significant performance effects which are hidden by the propensity to perform mean analyses which mathematically serve to damp evidence of volatility and thereby reduce landscape understanding.
The resources are mobile. Demand is variable. Without equipment mobility, current resource risk has and will induce even greater economic risk and instability in renewable energy projects, leading to abandoned assets and the need for ever more capacity to make up for the divergence between planned and actual performance.
All resource and demand volatility affects utilization rates and thereby damages debt payment capability. Maximizing utilization maximizes profit. Poor utilization leads to losses and stranded assets. This is an economic law, that is generally ignored in energy planning.
Fixed 30 year lifetime equipment design in volatile conditions induce severe economic risks and ROI failure, both economically and societally.
If a product lacks the necessary features to leverage the landscape, it will fail at a rate in direct proportion to the divergence from the optimal. Product penetration is wholly dependent on having the right properties necessary for share penetration. which in turn is wholly dependent on understanding the properties of the landscape. 20 years with no results means the properties are misunderstood.
The economic methodology applied to energy is incomplete and oversimplified by mean analytical methods such as LCOE which do little to characterize the actual operating economics of the systems or its market positioning. Fundamental problems with the economic understanding have led to the wide deployment of systems that have distinct critical failure points related to climate volatility they failed to solve or even affect in the slightest. In 20 years there has been no reductive effect on the Fossil share or GHG growth rates.
Clean energy resources are more and more unstable, as the effects of climate volatility increase with temperature. Smarter renewable energy design is critical to viable climate mitigation and adaptation.
As water resources get increasingly volatile, water and energy infrastructure, as well as food production, will need to adapt to the new normal.
Food requires water. Managing that water and the processes by which it creates calories is integral to adapting to climate change, modern markets, and ever-increasing global population stress.
By 2040, the world will need agricultural areas the size of North America. The world’s food future is likely on the coasts, utilizing the marine resource and saltwater species. Inland low water crate-based systems can provide higher yields per unit of water used.
Combinative systems could produce riverine species and vegetable-based products, and all of it can be powered on-site with the clean energy flowing water provides. Additionally, as Asian cities grow by another 50-75% the need for food transport will increase concurrently. Without Hydro powered EV’s in the agriculture areas that will all require fossil fuels to get food to the burgeoning populations.
Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ can address multiple issues that currently exist with water. From powering low water use agriculture to de-sedimentation and power production, Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ would enable the recovery of 20% sedimented pool capacity that is sorely needed as water resource volatility continues to rapidly increase.
Civilization and thereby cities, grids, and roads all developed in proximity to rivers. The market has clearly shown that location and stability are its drivers. Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ’s dam and hydro-kinetic systems are the only stable clean technology that can be highly collocated with suburban and ex-urban populations, agricultural areas, and roads for 100% grid and natural gas free clean EV charging.
Clean energy needs robust energy systems while using the fewest resources possible to compete with fossils
Energy Density
Energy density is the amount of kWh that can be produced per square meter and it determines the fully loaded cost of renewable energy supply. The lower the energy density, the more transmission, and copper per unit of energy is needed. All modern markets, particularly urban, have exhibited transmission avoidance behaviors leading to natural gas’ increasing market dominance since 2000.
The costs of not having stability for renewable energy are:
Increased kWh cost
Inducing in practice large-scale natural gas deployment
Higher cost of capital
Unpredictable ROI
In total, these costs are penetration killers. In order to correct these issues on average, wind and solar power's initial capital cost would have to increase to $15,000/KW. Without the stability Adaptive Hydroᵀᴹ and other GenH technologies can deliver without storage, renewables are still at a massive disadvantage and are actively creating ever more advantages for fossil fuels. At 90+% capacity factor, most of renewables' economic issues go away, since amortization is maximized and the cost of capital borrowed halves from 10% to 5%, due to increased stability in the output.
Capacity Factor
Capacity Factor is the critical variable in energy economics as it affects both the amortization rates and the interest rate. Operating at high capacity factors with variable resources requires a new design and methodology. To date, GenH is the only company or group that has focused on the critical economic and share acquisition path with 90+% capacity factors.
20 years of effort have proven that clean energy market penetration is about the margins a clean energy system can produce. GenH is uniquely positioned to deliver economic advantage.
Modern penetration strategy is about segmenting for competitive advantage which is difficult when using mean metrics. GenH’s integrated strategy and design bundles in high-yield early opportunities from on-site data mining, to agriculture, to aquaculture. Segmentation should be based on maximum achievable early margins.
Energy technologies focus nearly exclusively on efficiency improvement which is one of the cost amortization levers. It is not the largest nor the most effective lever. It is the most easily understood in the engineering framework and is why the entire R&D path of energy technologies chases ever-shrinking efficiency improvement by a few percent while ignoring the real levers of productivity and stability.
Margins are wholly dependent on cost to achieve pricing. Due to completely stable output, luxury products with high margins can be planned into the stable supply without question of whether the resource will be available. This is not just limited to electricity. Water pressure, cooling, and low-water use container irrigation are all applicable to on-site generated products.
Economic positioning is a function of achieved price to cost. In grid markets there is no added value or advantage that can be exploited. Instead they are highly volatile and perverted by misguided subsidization, forcing major grids into negative pricing on a daily basis. GenH technologies side-step the need to tie into a centralized system because they eliminate variability. Thereby demand can be planned in the capacity.
By moving down the market value chain, GenH can realize higher pricing for lower cost achieving significant competitive advantage and thereby ROI. Cost of achieved price is productivity and is the determinant of share growth and profit margin, the relevant market metrics. It also removes the need for subsidies or policies to achieve an advantage in the market, avoiding the “if they would only pass…” trap.
Energy technologies focus nearly exclusively on efficiency improvement which is one of the cost amortization levers. It is not the largest nor the most effective lever. It is the most easily understood in the engineering framework and is why the entire R&D path of energy technologies chases ever-shrinking efficiency improvement by a few percent while ignoring the real levers of productivity and stability.